Friday, February 24, 2012

Mayo clinic specialists work together to ...

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) refers to a group of lung diseases, damage the lungs and make it more difficult for you to breathe. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are the most common conditions that are of COPD. Most COPD is associated with long-term smoking and can be warned not to smoke or to quit immediately after launch. Damage to the lungs can not be canceled, so treatment focuses on controlling symptoms and minimizing further damage. Why the Mayo Clinic? Experience. Mayo Clinic treated hundreds of people each year with chronic obstructive lung disease.anabolic innovations Special expertise. Mayo Clinic has a special expertise in treating alpha-1 antitrypsin, genetic form of emphysema, which often go unnoticed. Team approach. Mayo Clinic specialists work together so you get all the knowledge needed to identify problems and find effective solutions. Comprehensive options. Virtually every test and lasix drug generic treatment for the diagnosis and treatment of COPD are at the Mayo Clinic, including the

. Mayo Laboratory for testing lung function is one of the largest of its kind, and the Mayo lung specialists have extensive experience in clinical trials of new drugs for the treatment of COPD. Learn more about the in and out. . << >>

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